I’m liking the driving, epic nature of this new Miike Snow single. Kinda makes me want to cut my own movie montage scene and set it to this song.
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New Death Cab For Cutie Single – You Are A Tourist
Personally, I haven’t really been enamored with what Death Cab For Cutie has been putting out after Plans. This new single, “You Are A Tourist” isn’t as poppy as “Soul Meets Body” nor is it as euphoric as, say, “We Looked Like Giants,” from Transatlanticism. It’s just kinda… there. It’s decidedly Death Cab, but the song feels like its a shade of what the band has accomplished in the past. In fact, “You Are A Tourist” feels like it was already on a previous album.
Listen here and tell me if you agree:
New Strokes Single Is Available To Some People
I was going to use Sony’s embedded code to share the sign up form to download the new Strokes single, “Under The Cover Of Darkness,” but the damn site doesn’t work. If you can even log onto http://www.thestrokes.com/download/ to try to sign up for it, a suspicious-looking login box pops up asking you for login credentials to Sony’s back end servers.
So I’m just going to direct you to your favorite torrent site or this convenient YouTube stream:
PS: It’s a fun little song, sounds like Is This It era Strokes if you were into that sorta thing.
New Airborne Toxic Event Single – “Changing”
I gotta say I’m a little nonplussed by the Airborne Toxic Event’s new single, “Changing.” A couple of years ago, “Sometime Around Midnight” really connected with me. It had the perfect blend of melody with emotional gravitas and an amazing climax. (“then you walk under a streetlight…”) I still get chills listening to that song today. “Changing” just makes me think of a generic mid-nineties modern rock band.
Listen To New Kanye West (Feat. Dwele) – Power
Kanye’s new track “Power” leaked on the internet earlier today and it’s pretty fresh-sounding. Co-produced by underground Dallas beatcrafter, Symbolyc One and featuring R&B singer Dwele at the end, “Power” is a return to “College Dropout” form for our favorite “douchey” rapper/producer.
Most of the talk is going to be about the King Crimson sample of “21st Century Schizoid Man”, but I love the dirty drum beat juxtaposed with an African chorus chant. It definitely evokes memory of the epic “Jesus Walks”. The little piano melody halfway through is a nice touch too.
“What about the lyrics?” you may ask. Check out the beginning of this verse:
Fuck SNL and the whole cast
Tell ’em Yeezy said they can kiss my whole ass
More specifically, they can kiss my asshole
Or this gem:
I don’t need yo’ pussy, bitch, I’m on my own dick
Yeah, man, Kanye is a potty guy. But props for backing it up with a well produced track.
New Chemical Brothers – Escape Velocity
I imagine spaceships and lasers throughout. By the end of the song, I was ready to shout “OUT HERE IN THE FIELDS!”
Download The New Nine Inch Nails Single For Free
No, that’s not a black and white version of Coldplay’s X&Y cover up there, it’s the cover to the latest Nine Inch Nails single, Discipline. This ain’t no BS instrumental either, we get to hear Trent Reznor’s soothing vocals layered over a 122 bpm bed. It’s a vintage Nine Inch Nails song, fans casual and hardcore alike should be into it.
If you look within the ID3 tag of the single, there’s a cryptic note that says:
Go to www.nin.com May 5
Hmmmm, maybe more free tracks? An album release date?
You can get your own copy of discipline here. All it takes is your email and you get a pristinely encoded VBR MP3. Trent takes care of his fans.
Download Nine Inch Nails – Discipline [nin.com]
New Death Cab For Cutie Single – “I Will Possess Your Heart”

Entitled “I Will Possess Your Heart,” the track clocks in at a whopping 8:35. Those expecting to hear another “Soul Meets Body” may want to temper those expectations as this song is less poppy than previous DCFC tunes. Be prepared for a very long intro. (over 4 minutes!)
Nevertheless, when Ben Gibbard’s soothing voice enters the fray, you can’t help but feel all is right in the world again.
Buy the track from Amazon