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Amazon Prime Now Includes Monthly Free Kindle Books

Okay so it’s technically called the “Kindle Owners’ Lending Library,” (Really? You couldn’t think of an easier name to remember, Amazon?) but in practice it’s essentially a free book every month for Amazon Prime subscribing Kindle owners.

With Prime, Kindle owners can now choose from thousands of books to borrow for free including over 100 current and former New York Times Bestsellers – as frequently as a book a month, with no due dates.

Keep in mind that “Kindle owners” is a key term, because you can’t “lend” books via Kindle apps. You actually need to own a physical Kindle to take advantage of this offer. In fact, my chief annoyance with the service is that you can only browse and “borrow” books via the Kindle Store on the device itself. You can’t find the book you want on the web and have it delivered to your Kindle. It’s a pain because e-ink is TERRIBLE for quickly flipping through hundreds of pages.

Critics also will point out that there’s only 5,000 or so books available, (none from any of the major six publishers) but so what? I easily found a handful of books that I wanted to read immediately from just browsing the first couple of pages of offerings. Seth Godin’s latest, “We Are All Weird,” Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games Trilogy, Michael Lewis’s “Moneyball.”

It’s pretty clear that Amazon is test driving a potential “all you can eat” digital book subscription service ala Netflix or Spotify. Let’s face it, $10-$15 digital books are still a fair chunk of change for most people. Why not go for a $10-$15 monthly service and essentially sell a guaranteed 12 books a year to people? I’d wager that it would be a greater source of revenue than selling titles a la carte.

Slowly, but surely, Amazon is creating its own Apple-like ecosystem. It’s a brilliant maneuver because in order to access the “free” ebooks and streaming video content you have to be both a member of the $80 a year Amazon Prime and own an Amazon device. Once they get a subscription music service implemented, you theoretically won’t have to go anywhere else to consume your content.

Of course, this assumes that Amazon’s content offerings are robust enough. Currently, their video streaming and ebook lending catalogs leave much to be desired. But it’s a step in the right direction.

Content publishers, consider yourselves disrupted. Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.


Free Yeasayer Concert Bootleg Download

I’m disappointed I missed Yeasayer at Coachella this year, but found solace in the fact that the band is giving away a free download of one of their live shows from Brussels back in October. It’s not entirely guilt free, though, as they do offer you the choice to donate for the concert bootleg if you wish. You can get the concert in your choice of formats from 320kbps MP3 to FLAC to Apple Lossless  and more.

I still can’t get over how awesome of a single O.N.E. is – it might just be my single of the year despite being leaked last December…

Download: Live At Ancienne Belgique.


Trent Reznor’s New Band How To Destroy Angels Is Not For Me

Trent Reznor, I love you, but you’re bringing me down. With your music, that is. Honestly, it just isn’t that great.

I’m not trying to hate; I honestly just haven’t really liked anything you’ve put out since Year Zero. Remember that Nine Inch Nails song, “Wish”? That song kicks so much ass, I just want to hear something new like that. But your new stuff’s gotten more experimental, downtempo, inaccessible, and for lack of a better word, “meh.” I gave your new band/project, How To Destroy Angels, a shot because of your pedigree, but I’m sad to report that the underwhelming single “A Drowning” is the best song on it.

That being said, I still love your acceptance and knowledge of how to distribute your wares on the internet. You provide pristinely encoded mp3s for the low, fair price of an email address. You make it easy for us to tweet, blog, facebook, and share your music without treating us as thieves. I’m glad you’ve offered me the chance to come to my musical conclusion by sampling your music for free.

I am sure there are people out there who enjoy your new musical direction and I don’t fault them for it. It looks like you’ve already “sold out” a $50 tshirt package on your merch site, so congratulations on that too. It’s just that I don’t think your music is for me anymore.




Free Portal (Steam For Mac Released)

A few years ago, I would have scoffed at all the adorable Apple faithful every time they got a feature or program that we PC users have had for ages.  The tables have turned, now that I own a Mac myself.

The much ballyhooed Steam Mac client was finally released this morning.  I freely admit to being one of those jackholes who refreshes his browser all morning in anticipation for software that has already been out for six years on a platform I already own.  Whatever, I’m excited to finally be able to play Torchlight on my Macbook without having to reboot into Windows.  It’s all about laziness, folks.

Oh, by the way, Valve is giving away free copies of Portal for the next 12 days to celebrate this (whether you’re a PC or Mac user), so please grab it if you’re one of the few people who haven’t played it yet.

Download the Steam Mac Client DMG


Download The New Nine Inch Nails Single For Free

nine inch nails discipline single new cover art

No, that’s not a black and white version of Coldplay’s X&Y cover up there, it’s the cover to the latest Nine Inch Nails single, Discipline.  This ain’t no BS instrumental either,  we get to hear Trent Reznor’s soothing vocals layered over a 122 bpm bed.  It’s a vintage Nine Inch Nails song, fans casual and hardcore alike should be into it.

If you look within the ID3 tag of the single, there’s a cryptic note that says:

Go to May 5

Hmmmm, maybe more free tracks? An album release date?

You can get your own copy of discipline here.  All it takes is your email and you get a pristinely encoded VBR MP3.  Trent takes care of his fans.

Download Nine Inch Nails – Discipline []


Neil Gaiman Knows The Meaning Of Free

Neil Gaiman has been my favorite contemporary fiction author ever since I was captivated by The Sandman in the early 90’s. Recently, he and his publisher have put up his most defining literary work, American Gods, in its entirety for free online (I recommend you give it a read, it’s wonderful!). Apparently, he’s gotten some flak from some small bookstores who believe that move will be the death of them if authors everywhere started putting up digital copies of their books for free. Neil, on the other hand, appears to have read Chris Anderson’s Free! article and understands the current marketplace climate:

Just as a bookseller who regards a library as the enemy, because people can go there and read — for free! — what he sells, is missing that the library is creating a pool of people who like and take pleasure in books, will be his customer base, and are out there spreading the word about authors and books they like to other people, some of whom will simply go out and buy it.

If you have the time, I suggest reading his full reply to the letter – he’s got some pretty insightful thoughts on the process of building a customer base with “free” content.

The music industry could stand to learn a thing or two from this affair.

Read Neil Gaiman on giving away free content []

Read American Gods online []