Charles Barkley Survives The Cyberpocalypse

I can’t believe they’ve done this.

I supposed I’m a little late to the party on this one, but it’s too awesome/jaw-dropping to not at least pay lip service to this ridiculous game. Apparently some potty guys calling themselves Tales of Games Studios have created a post-apocalyptic 16-Bit RPG starring none other than D-Wade’s favorite buddy, Charles Barkley. It’s not a joke, it’s a real, complete game. The game is a full-featured action-RPG in the vein of Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Crystalis, etc. In fact if you are enough of a nerd you can probably spot the similarities right off the bat in that trailer up above.

If that’s not enough to tickle your panties, then check out the game’s synopsis:

The Great B-Ball Purge of 2041, a day so painful to some that it is referred to only as the “B-Ballnacht”. Thousands upon thousands of the world’s greatest ballers were massacred in a swath of violence and sports bigotry as the game was outlawed worldwide. The reason: the Chaos Dunk, a jam so powerful its mere existence threatens the balance of chaos and order. Among the few ballers and fans that survived the basketball genocide was Charles Barkley, the man capable of performing the “Verboten Jam”…

If that doesn’t sound like it’s worth your time then I don’t know what is. From what I’ve seen this is quite possibly the best post-cyberpocalyptic game ever made.

Tales of Game’s Studios Presents: Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden []

(includes link to download)

About Andy Yen