touch Archive


HTC Diamond Looks Kickass, Could Rival iPhone

HTC Touch Diamond boot video from Joshua Topolsky on Vimeo.

Just when you thought no Windows Mobile device could compare to the iPhone, leave it to HTC to come up with something awesome.  The above video for the upcoming HTC Diamond’s interface looks very impressive.  It looks slightly more complex than Apple’s WunderDevice, but with more user customizability due to the Windows Mobile platform, it could appeal to more advanced users.


Quake 3 Running On iPhone/iPod Touch?

I came across this video of a supposed Quake 3 port to the iPhone/iPod Touch yesterday. From my quick detective skills, it looks like the work of a Canadian developer from Hermitworks.

This could all be a complete fabrication for all I know, but goddamn do I want to believe its veracity. The framerate looks very smooth and bodes well for the iPhone/iPod touch as able gaming devices, at least graphically. The controls, on the other hand, seem to be pretty awkward for a twitch shooter like Quake 3.

I wouldn’t plan on beating fatal1ty on your iPhone, but at least you can say your phone runs Quake 3! We might have to update the age old tech gadget question to: “Yeah, but can it run Doom 3?”