Prosecutors Dismiss Xbox Modding Case Mid-Trial

This case reminds me of the RIAA lawsuits against specific file sharers. It seems like an incredible waste of resources to go after one dude Anaheim who is tinkering with Xboxes in his spare time. The prosecutors sound pretty incompetent too. Let people tinker with their shit if they want to. If they’re out there selling DVD-Rs of games to the mass market with the intent of profiting off someone else’s IP’s then go after them.

Jurors, who heard only one day of testimony, left the courthouse with mixed opinions on the case. “When we left yesterday, I was thinking, ‘What are we doing here?’” said juror Paul Dietz, a 27-year-old actor. He said he “probably would have” acquitted.

Read: Prosecutors Dismiss Xbox Modding Case Mid-Trial | Threat Level |

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